Educator Profile    Educators

Katherine Sheiko (MI '91)


At the time of the Award, Katherine Sheiko was:
Green Elementary School
West Bloomfield, MI

Biographical Information

Katherine Sheiko was a teacher, librarian and principal in the Pontiac School District before becoming principal of Green Elementary School in the West Bloomfield School District in 1985. Among the many innovations she has brought to Green is the concept of thematic instruction. Each year, four themes were the basis of displays in the media center, classroom writing and art projects and a community service project. One theme, "E Pluribus Unum' explored immigration in the United States and culminated with a simulation of Ellis Island. Each of the 500 students in the school "experienced" traveling to America on a boat for 14 days, disembarking on Ellis Island and having medical and mental tests before being sworn in as U.S. citizens. Under Ms. Sheiko's direction, Green was named a National Exemplary School in 1987 and was featured in a 1989 Instructor Magazine article as an "A+ School." Ms. Sheiko was named Michigan's Outstanding Principal in 1990 and a National Distinguished Principal in 1991.

When she retired in 2011 the school where she served as principal for 26 years was renamed Sheiko Elementary in her honor. Since retiring Katherine has started a Blessings in a Backpack program in the West Bloomfield School district. This program sends home six non perishable meals each weekend of the school year with students in need. In addition she serves on the the Board of the West Bloomfield Educational Foundation that offers teachers the opportunity to apply for grants to enhance their teaching.. Katherine has also served as a consultant in other school districts and has served in interim positions as an Elementary and High School Principal.

Related Connections

Milestone: School Named in Kathy Sheiko's (MI '91) Honor

Additional Information


1975 Oakland University, M.A.

