Educator Profile    Educators

Karin Falkenstein (MI '92)

Principal/District Special Education Supervisor

Moccasin Elementary School
Buchanan, MI

At the time of the Award, Karin Falkenstein was:
Ottawa Elementary School
Buchanan, MI

Biographical Information

Karin Falkenstein is principal for Moccasin Elementary School in Buchanan and the district special education supervisor. By providing in- service training and encouraging teachers to take risks, Ms. Falkenstein has helped her staff to develop stronger teaching strategies and practices. She has developed and initiated several enrichment programs including the Super Saturday Programs, the Future Problem Solving project and the Junior Great Book group. Such programs have led to the implementation of the district's gifted and talented program. "The responsibility for achieving authentic outcomes for students is the driving force in my planning and decision making," she says. "Constructing new understanding with students or staff members is exciting and challenging because no two students or two teachers learn in exactly the same way. This forces me to fine tune my own knowledge and strategies to better meet their needs."

Additional Information


1975 MA Reading

1972 Michigan State University, B.A.

Multi-age Classrooms, Assessment, Team Teaching, Parental Involvement, Fine Arts, Interdisciplinary Instruction, Scheduling, Performing Arts, Conflict Management

