Educator Profile    Educators

Karen Snyder (PA '02)


Montgomery Elementary School
Montgomery, PA

At the time of the Award, Karen Snyder was:
Montgomery Elementary School
Montgomery, PA

Biographical Information

Karen Snyder is principal of Montgomery and Elimsport Elementary Schools in Montgomery, many of whose students live in poverty with parents who lack a high school diploma. Mrs. Snyder has created a school culture in which sophisticated data analysis is used to drive instructional practice and differentiate instruction to meet the needs of all students. She has implemented several effective strategies including guided reading and writing, literature circles and portfolio assessment. Mrs. Snyder has also aligned the curriculum to state standards and developed a supervision model for her staff that includes goal-setting, action plans, and teacher self-evaluation to encourage professional growth. Since Mrs. Snyder joined the district in 1998, her students have improved by nearly 200 points in each subject on the state assessment tests, earning the school a Governor's Achievement Award for Excellence. Montgomery Elementary was awarded a Blue Ribbon School in 2009, PBIS Fidelity of Implementation for 2017-2018, and a Title I Distinguished School in 2017-2018. 

Additional Information


1988 Lock Haven University, B.S.

