Educator Profile    Educators

Judy Madden Bryant (OR '02)

Area Director

Cleveland/Franklin Cluster Schools

At the time of the Award, Judy Madden Bryant was:
Humboldt Elementary School
Portland, OR

Biographical Information

Judy Madden Bryant is area director of the Cleveland/Franklin Cluster Schools. Previously, Bryant was principal of Humboldt Elementary School in Portland, which she transformed from one of the lowest-performing schools in the state to one rated "strong" on the Oregon Report Card two years in a row, with dramatically increased student achievement. Bryant led a variety of reforms at Humboldt: restructuring the curriculum, providing intensive, ongoing professional development and involving parents and the community. She also implemented 90-minute literacy blocks for reading in science and social studies, established partnerships with numerous community organizations, and promoted a wide range of after-school activities, with over 80 percent of students participating in at least one activity. Previously a fine arts teacher and curriculum specialist, she has served on local and national arts advisory committees, including the National Endowment for the Arts and the Oregon Arts Commission.

Additional Information


1979 Portland State University, M.S.

