Educator Profile    Educators

Judith Whitener (MO '96)


At the time of the Award, Judith Whitener was:
North St. Francis County High School
Bonne Terre, MO

Subject(s) taught: Family and Consumer Sciences
Grade(s): 10, 11, 12

Biographical Information

Judy Whitener was an instructor of family and consumer sciences at North St. Francois County High School in Bonne Terre, teaching students "how to live and how to make a living." Mrs. Whitener taught classes in parenting skills, child development and interpersonal relations. During the three years, Mrs. Whitener served on the National Board of Directors for the Future Homemakers of America, she co-authored a co-curricular handbook and worked on the inception of Families First, a new national program. At her school, Mrs. Whitener developed FHA/HERO, a co-curricular program that allowed students attending family and consumer sciences classes to develop leadership skills through their involvement in Future Homemakers of America. In this program, students created a nutritional coloring book for children; organized holiday festivities for the elderly, the sick and preschool children; and developed educational programs on child abuse, self-esteem and drug and alcohol prevention.  After retiring from public education, Judith supervised student teachers at Southeast Missouri State University from 2001-2011.

Additional Information


1969 University of Mississippi, B.A.

At-risk Students, Community Involvement, Community Service, Discipline, Early Child Development, Peer Programs, Portfolio Assessment, Professional Development, School-to-Work, Self-esteem

