Educator Profile    Educators


Joyce Williams (GA '95)


Washington-Wilkes Middle School
Washington, GA

At the time of the Award, Joyce Williams was:
Washington-Wilkes Middle School
Washington, GA

Biographical Information

Under the leadership of Joyce Williams, its principal, Washington-Wilkes Middle School in Washington was named 1995 Georgia School of Excellence by the Georgia Department of Education. This year's award of excellence carries particular significance, for as the school's first principal, Ms. Williams helped establish many of the features that distinguish the school today. Together with members of the staff, Ms. Williams developed an academic system that tailors education to the needs of each child. To address the needs of students who failed to complete class requirements for promotion to the next grade, Ms. Williams developed the AEP (Alternative Education Plan). These programs have proven so successful that she is currently implementing REP (Regular Education Plan), thereby creating a system responsive to the specific needs of all students in her building.

Additional Information


1980 Valdosta State University, M.A.

