Educator Profile    Educators


Joyce Stevos (RI '92)

Director of Strategic Planning and Professional Development

Providence School Department
Providence, RI

At the time of the Award, Joyce Stevos was:
Director of Strategic Planning and Professional Development
Providence School Department
Providence, RI

Biographical Information

"As a professional I believe in the importance of working with all segments of the community as equals to create a better world for our youth," says Joyce Stevos, Director of Strategic Planning and Professional Development for the Providence School Department in Providence. "In this same vein I also feel that I must participate in the life of the community and give myself for its betterment." Ms. Stevos has created a conflict resolution program, introduced Holocaust and Armenian Genocide Studies Programs into the social studies curriculum and developed a Government and Law Magnet Program. With a mandate to address the social studies curricula for all Providence students, K through 12, Ms. Stevos has developed a plan that uses the city as a model to teach students about legislative and historical development of Rhode Island.

