Educator Profile    Educators

John P. Forsyth (WY '01)


Waynesville High School
Waynesville, MO

Subject(s) taught: Journalism, Videography
Grade(s): 9, 10, 11, 12

At the time of the Award, John P. Forsyth was:
Lander Valley High School
Lander, WY

Subject(s) taught: Social Studies, Vocation/Technical Education
Grade(s): 9, 10, 11, 12

Biographical Information

John Forsyth came to his current position as world affairs, government and videography teacher at Lander Valley High School in Lander after a successful career in law and finance, bringing with him intellectual curiosity coupled with a passion for teaching and learning. During the presidential campaigns, Mr. Forsyth’s curriculum mirrored the political process, with students drafting platforms and running their own campaigns. As sponsor of the Close-Up program, he and his senior students visited Washington, D.C., and the debate team he recently started won a state championship. The Tiger News, a news show by Mr. Forsyth’s videography students that includes student-created commercials and features on issues of school and community interest, airs twice weekly on the local access channel and at school. In addition to publishing more than a dozen articles on education, Mr. Forsyth co-authored the Montana State Language Arts Curriculum Guide and the National Standards for English/Language Arts.

Additional Information


1974 Stephen F. Austin State University, B.A.

