Educator Profile    Educators

Jennifer Montgomery (ND '01)

Professional Development Consultant


Grade(s): 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12

At the time of the Award, Jennifer Montgomery was:
Bismarck High School
Bismarck, ND

Subject(s) taught: English/Language, Journalism
Grade(s): 10, 11, 12

Biographical Information

Jennifer Montgomery, who now lives in NH and works in the New England region, leverages her teaching and leadership expertise to work with schools on their professional development plans and delivery. She is especially interested in helping schools implement Universal Design for Learning and teacher-leadership initiatives. As a teacher, Ms. Montgomery strove to motivate students to pursue deep reflection and higher-order thinking through work that would challenge them to connect literature and language with their lives. While serving as the advisor to Bismarck's student paper, she helped the publication receive national recognition and won numerous state awards. A National Board Certified teacher in English/language arts, Ms. Montgomery was named North Dakota Teacher of the Year in 2003 and was one of four finalists for National Teacher of the Year. She has represented North Dakota at two National Teacher Forums and in 2004 she was honored as the NEA Foundation Teaching Excellence Award Winner. Ms. Montgomery served on the boards of several state-level education associations in North Dakota Ms. Montgomery earned undergraduate degrees from the University of North Dakota and a doctorate from the Harvard Graduate School of Education..

Personal Message

I am tremendously interested in what Milken Educators are doing to improve their schools and their students' achievement. I also want to connect with teachers and administrators who are striving to envision and implement content-specific professional development that changes the way high-school teachers approach their classroom practice. I believe very strongly that one of the key components to high student achievement lies in reconstructing professional development in the content areas. A primary interest is the work in Universal Design for Learning by the Center for Applied Special Technologies and especially David Rose.

Additional Information


Controversies Over the Pledge of Allegiance in Public Schools: Case Studies Involving State Law, 9/11, and the Culture Wars

Harvard Graduate School of Education, Ed.D. (2015)--Education Policy, Leadership and Instructional Practice

Universal Design for Learning, mentoring new teachers, ELA and Social Studies, teacher leadership and collaboration

