Educator Profile    Educators

Jennifer Chandler (MS '06)


Pierce Street Elementary School
Tupelo, MS

Subject(s) taught: English/Language, Reading
Grade(s): 3

At the time of the Award, Jennifer Chandler was:
Pierce Street Elementary School
Tupelo, MS

Subject(s) taught: English/Language, Reading
Grade(s): 3

Biographical Information

As project director for the Whole Schools Art Integration Program at Pierce Street Elementary School in Tupelo, third-grade teacher Jennifer Chandler involves her students in hands-on activities that combine the arts with real-world experiences. Through a grant she wrote and received, Ms. Chandler's students went on a "Walking Tour of Tupelo," using CD players and headphones to listen to oral history interviews with various townspeople as they explored the town's landmarks. They also took digital photos of the town, which they used in a research presentation and as the basis for oil paintings. Despite working with a diverse group of learners, Ms. Chandler helped them all score proficient or above in reading and language on the state assessment—including her special education students. She served on a panel for the U.S. Department of Education and the Arts Education Partnership, and under her direction the school was honored with the Governor's Award for Excellence in Arts Education. When it comes to the art of teaching, Jennifer Chandler is one outstanding talent.

