Educator Profile    Educators


Jeannette Condon (ME '90)


At the time of the Award, Jeannette Condon was:
Fort Fairfield Elementary School
Fort Fairfield, ME

Biographical Information

Jeannette Condon's commitment to education and the community stems from her gratitude to Aroostook County for all she has received from it. Not only is she principal of Jenkins Elementary School, she also serves as principal of Hacker Elementary School in Fort Fairfield. In keeping with her civic and professional sense of responsibility, Ms. Condon is presently the director of the Fort Fairfield Chamber of Commerce and Vice President of the Maine Elementary Principals Association; she has sat on the gubernatorial commission of Maine's Common Core of Learning. Her educational ideals and dedication to community affairs illustrate her belief in an integrated curriculum and the notion of businesses and education collaborating for the betterment of students.

Additional Information


1973 University of Maine, B.A.

