Educator Profile    Educators


Janet Adams (GA '95)


At the time of the Award, Janet Adams was:
Regional Evening Alternative School
Jefferson, GA

Subject(s) taught: Vocational and Alternative Education
Grade(s): 9, 10, 11, 12

Biographical Information

Janet Adams is principal of the Regional Evening School and director of Vocational, Alternative, Community Education in Jefferson. The school came into being soon after Mrs. Adams' tenure as chairperson of a ten-county committee to implement the Family Support Act requirements. It was then that she approached area leaders to establish a Human Resources Council to address the issues of high school dropouts, teen pregnancy and adult literacy. "With the subsequent establishment of the Regional Evening School," she explains, "many individuals have benefited from opportunities to acquire their high school diplomas and to participate in community education courses and parenting classes." The school also features an adult literacy center and a childcare facility for the children of teenage students. This school, "for those who need a second chance," is the first institution of its kind in northeastern Georgia and serves 175 students. The continuing education program Mrs. Adams directs benefits another 1,100 students.

Additional Information


1965 University of Georgia, B.A.

