Educator Profile    Educators


Jane Serikaku (HI '98)


At the time of the Award, Jane Serikaku was:
Iliahi Elementary School
Wahiawa, HI

Grade(s): Pre-K, K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

Biographical Information

When Jane Serikaku, principal of Iliahi Elementary School in Wahaiwa, began considering a year-round modified schedule, she solicited input not only from her staff but from students and parents as well. This collaborative approach informs much of Ms. Serikaku's work at Iliahi, a linguistically diverse school, 50% of whose students qualify for Title I programs. She has successfully implemented Hawaii's Success Compact reading program and has involved the community through projects such as Showcase of Stars and the Invention Convention, which provides students the opportunity to present their work to the community. In 1992 Ms. Serikaku established a free preschool at Iliahi called Ka Nani O Keiki (The Beauty of the Child).

Related Connections

Memoriam: Saying Goodbye to Jane Serikaku (HI '98)

Additional Information


1971 University of Hawaii - Manoa, B.A.

