"I hope I have made students feel an obligation to participate in the political process," says Jim Kubik, who teaches senior government at Norfolk Senior High School in Norfolk. Mr. Kubik, who has organized and moderated countless public forums on topical social and political issues, is the creator of: Voices of the Future, a teen radio forum addressing varied topics affecting students; Up Close with Close Up, a cable TV show that examines youth perspectives on political issues; and Soarting It Out, a cable TV show addressing multicultural issues. Together with his students, Mr. Kubik has written the Nebraska Multicultural Education Act, which was passed unicamerally in 1992. He has also advised and guided his students in the formation of SOART (Student Organization Against Racial Tension). In 1993, the Nebraska State Education Association honored Mr. Kubik with the Multicultural Education Award.
1977 University of Nebraska - Lincoln, B.A.