Educational Consultant: After 37 years as a teacher, principal, and district office administrator, J. Lynn retired eight years ago from full time educator status. J. Lynn is now an educational consultant, speaker and trainer. He has multiple Master Certifications with Crucial Learning (formerly VitalSmarts), FranklinCovey, and VisionBound International including Crucial Conversations for Mastering Dialogue, Crucial Conversations for Accountability, Getting Things Done, The Power of Habit, Crucial Influence, Master Storytelling, Education Customer Loyalty and 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. He has spoken at a number of national conferences and provided training for many different education institutions and businesses across the country, and in Canada and Mexico. He and his wife Gayleen have four children and seventeen grandchildren and enjoy spending time in the beautiful Utah mountains.
1980 Brigham Young University, B.S.
Brigham Young University, M.S.
Brigham Young University, Ed. S.
Crucial Conversations, Master Storytelling, The Power of Habit, Master Storytelling, Influencer, Change Anything, Crucial Accountability
Utah Association of Elementary Principals, National Association of Elementary Principals, National Title I Association
Master Trainer - Crucial Learning (formerly VitalSmarts)
2000 Utah National Distinguished Principal