Educator Profile    Educators

Grace Repass (NC '96)


At the time of the Award, Grace Repass was:
Instructional Technology Specialist
Frank Porter Graham Elementary School
Chapel Hill, NC

Biographical Information

Grace Repass retired as principal of Mary Scroggs Elementary School in Chapel Hill. Previously, she was instructional technology specialist at Frank Porter Graham Elementary School in Chapel Hill, NC, and at Grady Brown Elementary School in Hillsborough, NC. She was also an educator on loan to the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction in Raleigh. "The most important thing I have taught my students, whether teachers or K-5 students, are the infinite possibilities in life that are available through the use of technology," said Repass. While at Grady Brown, she implemented the North Carolina governor's SchoolTech Internet Project, overseeing the integration of technology into the curriculum. The SchoolTech Internet project also allowed students to create the first elementary school home page in North Carolina, participate in international exchanges, and conduct on-line research. As an administrator, Grace modeled effective use of technology for teachers, students and parents. She looked for the use of instructional technology during classroom observations. She also encouraged and challenged teachers to be life-long learners in the field of technology. 

Additional Information


1981 Radford University, M.S.

Internet, Interdisciplinary Instruction

