Educator Profile    Educators

Gordon Grant (NC '95)

Education Director

NC Outward Bound School

At the time of the Award, Gordon Grant was:
Asheville Middle School
Asheville, NC

Subject(s) taught: English/Language Arts, Social Studies, Science
Grade(s): 9, 10, 11, 12

Biographical Information

As a team-teacher of language arts, social studies and science for multi-age interdisciplinary classes at Asheville Middle School in Asheville, Gordon Grant has created a classroom culture where "all feel welcome, where the academically gifted do not feel held back and those who may be less skilled academically do not feel overwhelmed." The Neolithic cave that Mr. Grant had his students recreate for a study unit that combines geology, archaeology, history, anthropology and aesthetics has, after taking over an entire hallway, spilled over onto the school grounds. Mr. Grant is also involved with the North Carolina Outward Bound School in the development of student-designed "Expeditionary Learning" programs, and he is active in Building Bridges, an outreach program that seeks to improve communication between schools and Asheville's African American community.

Additional Information


1988 Western Carolina University, B.A.

