Educator Profile    Educators

Elizabeth McKeaney (PA '00)

Director of Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment

Colonial School District
Plymouth Meeting, PA

At the time of the Award, Elizabeth McKeaney was:
Colonial Elementary School
Plymouth Meeting, PA

Subject(s) taught: Gifted
Grade(s): 4, 5

Biographical Information

In her new position as instructional resource specialist and teacher of the gifted at Colonial Elementary School in Plymouth Meeting, Elizabeth McKeaney targets each student's learning individually. Ms. McKeaney also collaborates with K-3 reading and math teachers, offering them guidance, support and mentoring to help improve instruction. A member of the District Language Arts and Math Curriculum Committees and also the Professional Development Committee, she conducts workshops on differentiated instruction, and has served on leadership teams in implementing national and state standards. During her previous assignment at a high-poverty urban school, Ms. McKeaney co-authored a proposal for a charter school to provide what she sees as the stabilizing influence of a school within the community.

Personal Message

Additional Information


1993 Temple University, B.S.

Temple University, M.A.

University of Pennsylvania, Ed.D

