Educator Profile    Educators

Dr. William Fox (WV '96)


At the time of the Award, Dr. William Fox was:
Lewisburg Elementary School
Lewisburg, WV

Biographical Information

In 1992, William Fox, principal of Lewisburg Elementary School in Lewisburg, took on the challenge of consolidating two previously autonomous schools into a single institution serving kindergarten through sixth grade. Dr. Fox's philosophy of involving all concerned parties in the decision-making process and of promoting shared accountability, proved so successful that "today, one would never suspect that the school was once two separate entities." Under his leadership, the school has developed an extensive parent-involvement program and dramatically increased the number of its business partners to become a focal point within the community. Understanding the importance of technology for the future of his students, he led a major effort to develop and implement the sophisticated facilities and resources that serve technologically integrated education at the school today. The West Virginia Department of Education honored Dr. Fox as 1996 West Virginia Principal of the Year.

Personal Message

As of June I retired after forty years of service at all levels of education from kindergarten through graduate school. I have been so fortunate to have had a wonderful career and I have loved every minute of it. Now I hope to do some consultant work in order to share my experiences and expertise with those presently in the field. If I can help you in any way do not hesitate to contact me.

Additional Information


1961 Concord College, B.A.

Parental Involvement, Academics, Assessment, Discipline, Business Partnerships, Community Involvement, School-to-Work, School Finance, Libraries, Fine Arts

