Principal Teri M. Ushijima has implemented numerous research-based instructional practices to improve teaching and raise student achievement at Mokulele Elementary School in Honolulu. These practices include differentiation strategies to help teachers meet individual student needs and interdisciplinary unit plans to help students connect learning across various content areas. Dr. Ushijima also asked teachers to develop individual learning plans, including goals and how to reach them, as well as portfolios that include all of their learning. She initiated "Ohana Groups" at the school to involve parents and communities in activities with students and staff. Her reforms have helped the school meet its adequate yearly progress (AYP) for the past two years and improved reading and math proficiency. She is president of the Hawaii Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (HASCD), serves on the national ASCD nomination committee, and has published articles in professional journals. At every level, Dr. Ushijima is a true educational leader.