Educator Profile    Educators

Dr. Peter Krasa (CA '91)

Faculty Member

California State University Monterey Bay CalStateTEACH Teacher Preparation Program
Seaside, CA

Subject(s) taught: Multiple Subjects Credential Online Program
Grade(s): Pre-K, K, 3, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12

At the time of the Award, Dr. Peter Krasa was:
Manzanita Elementary School
Seaside, CA

Biographical Information

Peter Krasa retired from the Monterey Peninsula Unified School District after 33 years in education. His career, culminating in 2003, included almost 30 years as a principal, spanning grades K-12. Currently, he is a faculty member with CalStateTEACH, a teacher preparation program under the auspices of the California State University auspices. He supervises student teachers and facilitates their attainment of a multiple subjects credential. Peter credits the Milken Family Foundation for his impetus to continue serving the profession of education.

Personal Message

One of the many commonalities among the Milken Awards recipients is that they possess a clear, genuine, and unceasing "passion" for education. Milken educators do not view their careers as mere "jobs" which begin and end on an artificial time schedule, including "retirement." It is, therefore, exciting for me to have the special fortune and opportunity of being able to be a part of this energized environment. By being constantly engaged in "stretched" thinking, Milken Educators are the antithesis of the "burnout" syndrome. I am interested in "real" integrated learning in which skills/tools (language arts, math)are not segmented from the content/disciplines (history/social science, science), and both reflect relevance. I also think that the textbook delivery system is unacceptably archaic. I am indebted to the Milken Family Foundation for setting a, thus far, matchless "high bar" precedent in recognizing educators and generating progressive/futuristic thinking, and for never allowing the "passion" to ebb.

Additional Information

Leadership/Interpersonal Relationships, Curriculum, Restructuring/Program Improvement

