Educator Profile    Educators

Dr. Michael Barnes (RI '97)


At the time of the Award, Dr. Michael Barnes was:
Ponaganset High School
North Scituate, RI

Subject(s) taught: Computer Science

Biographical Information

Michael Barnes has served as Superintendent of Schools in Foster-Glocester Public Schools since October 2008. As superintendent, he has focused on standards-based education, developing effective instructional practices, creating a 7-12 STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics) Academy, redesigning schools and programs to support teaching and learning, using data to inform decisions, prepared fiscally responsible budgets which have absorbed cuts in state aid while not diminishing services to students. His contributions to the profession include: serving as a board member for the RI Superintendents Association, RI ASCD and the RI Center for School Leadership; serving on the NEASC 2011 Standards Writing Committee and NEASC Commission, and assisting a six state consortium working on high school reform that involves the use of exhibitions, portfolios, and proficiency-based exams. As Assistant Superintendent in the Foster-Glcoester Regional School District he coordinated the efforts of the elementary schools, created K-6 curriculum in ELA and Math aligned to state standards, implemented grade level meetings, piloted and implemented a new reading series, a new math series, and a writing program. As a fellow at the RI Department of Education he assisted the RI Board of Regents as they developed new Regulations for RI’s High Schools focused on literacy, graduation by proficiency, and personalization and provided technical assistance to schools and districts as they implement these regulations. He has provided in-depth, multi-day day professional development to over 1000 teachers and administrators at the school, district, state, and regional levels. In addition, Dr. Barnes has been recognized as a Milken National Educator, Technology Teacher of the Year, and traveled to Japan and China on study tours of the educational systems. He has a Ph.D. in Curriculum and Instruction from the University of Connecticut with minors in educational leadership and gifted and talented education. Michel Barnes can be reached at 401-710-7568 or

Related Connections

Milestone: Michael Barnes (RI '97) is 2014 Rhode Island Superintendent of the Year

Additional Information

Curriculum, Assessment, PARCC, Professional Development, Technology, School Reform Networks

