Educator Profile    Educators

Dr. Lynne Haeffele (IL '88)


Illinois State University Center for the Study of Education Policy
Normal, IL

Subject(s) taught: Department of Educational Administration and Foundations

At the time of the Award, Dr. Lynne Haeffele was:
Bloomington High School
Bloomington, IL

Biographical Information

Dr. Lynne Haeffele is Director of the Center for the Study of Education Policy at Illinois State University. She has also served as Senior Policy Director for Education in the Office of the Illinois Lieutenant Governor, where she provided research, policy analysis, and management expertise for P-20 education policy initiatives. Lynne has also served as Chief Deputy Superintendent for the Illinois State Board of Education, and has taught high school science and teacher preparation courses at Illinois State University. She received the Milken Educator Award during her tenure as a high school science teacher. Her research interests include systemic P-20 education reform, applying research to policy and practice, program evaluation, and the topical areas of college readiness, school effectiveness and efficiency, and education/workforce partnerships. She is a published author on the topic of research methods.


Personal Message

Additional Information


2012 When to Use What Research Design


2009 Illinois State University, Ph.D.

1984 Illinois State University, M.S.

1976 University of Illinois, B.A.

1976 University of Illinois, B.S.

Systemic education reform, Research design/methods, State education policy, College readiness,

