Educator Profile    Educators

Dr. Kay Lehmann (WA '99)

Online adjunct professor

Kennewick, WA

Subject(s) taught: Teacher professional development, Master's research

At the time of the Award, Dr. Kay Lehmann was:
Garrison Middle School
Walla Walla, WA

Subject(s) taught: Social Studies, Reading
Grade(s): 8

Biographical Information

Dr. Kay Lehmann completed her Ed.D. degree at Walden University in April 2007. Her research focused on cooperative learning in online professional development courses for teachers. Since earning a master's degree in online teaching and learning in 2001 from California State University in Hayward (now East Bay), Dr. Lehmann has been teaching online for a variety of universities. Kay continues to be a consultant for the International Society of Technology in Education (ISTE) and works with local student teachers. She is a grandmother of 4 beautiful, brilliant children! In 2014 she became a WA state realtor.

Additional Information


1979 University of Idaho, B.S.

