Educator Profile    Educators

Dr. Gerald LeCureux (MI '93)


At the time of the Award, Dr. Gerald LeCureux was:
East Detroit High School
Eastpointe, MI

Grade(s): 9, 10, 11, 12

Biographical Information

"Children today are the products of a hurried society," says Gerald LeCureux, principal of Eastpointe's Oakwood Middle School. Dr. LeCureux believes that "the most stable institution for children in a time when other institutions are waning in stability is the school." To create the conditions for learning, educators must, according to Dr. Lecureux, be particularly sensitive to the needs of students. " A need-fulfilling school," he says," is paramount for learning." For Dr. LeCureux, the educator's aim is to create responsible and productive citizens, and conscientious educators must embody what they teach. Dr. LeCureux would like take part in the "development of a restructured quality high school that would incorporate many middle school components." Ideally the restructuring would involve the "substitution of academic tracking by heterogeneous programs." Dr. LeCureux would like to see schools that are more attentive to the needs of all students. He would also like to see students collaborate closely with teachers to shape the decisions that affect their learning environment.

Additional Information


1971 Wayne State University, B.A.

Academics, At-risk Students, Conflict Management, Discipline, Peer Programs, Restructuring, School-Based Management, Self-esteem, Teacher Training, Values/Ethics

