Educator Profile    Educators


Dr. Gerald Boarman (MD '95)


North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics
Durham, NC

At the time of the Award, Dr. Gerald Boarman was:
Eleanor Roosevelt High School
Greenbelt, MD

Biographical Information

"Public schools are the nucleus of our success as a nation," says Dr. Gerald Boarman, principal of Eleanor Roosevelt High School in Greenbelt. Under Dr. Boarman's leadership, his school has instituted the Hybrid Schedule, a cross between traditional and block schedules that gives students flexibility in class selection and extra time in subject areas when necessary. The fact that Eleanor Roosevelt High School has rated 32nd out of 10,800 high schools nationwide in the number of Advanced Placement Tests given is but one measure of Dr. Boarman's success as an educator. He is equally proud of those harder-to-measure markers that signal an engaged and responsible student community, demonstrating its sense of social responsibility through a number of cooperative and volunteer programs. Dr. Boarman has been selected 1995 Maryland State Principal of the Year by the Maryland State Department of Education.

Additional Information


1978 University of Maryland - College Park, B.A.

At-risk Students, Attendance, Business Partnerships, Class size, Community Partnerships, Computers, Discipline, Distance Learning, Interdisciplinary Instruction, Music Programs

