Educator Profile    Educators

Dr. Ellen Shelton (MS '03)

Director of Pre-College Programs and UM Writing Project

University of Mississippi - Division of Outreach
University, MS

At the time of the Award, Dr. Ellen Shelton was:
Tupelo High School
Tupelo, MS

Subject(s) taught: English/Language
Grade(s): 11

Biographical Information

Ellen is involved in a myriad of projects working with K-12 students and teachers at The University of Mississippi, including the UM High School, academic summer programming, and academic competitions. Prior to hercurrent role, Dr, Ellen worked at Tupelo High School, where she engaged them in Socratic seminar discussions, collaborative group projects, journaling and literary circles. A National Board Certified teacher and director of the Writing Project at the University of Mississippi, Dr. Shelton teaches students how to research, analyze and draw conclusions based on fact. In her "Columnist Project" students learn how language creates argument by analyzing ten articles of any one columnist, interviewing the writer and discussing how rhetorical appeals impact readers. Nine of Dr. Shelton's AP English students will be recognized as National Merit Semifinalists this year, and many of her students have won local and state-level writing awards. She is a member of the National Council for Teachers of English and presents workshops at state and local conferences.


Personal Message

Additional Information


2000 University of Mississippi, Ed.D. in Curriculum and Instruction

1999 National Board Certification - A/YA English Language Arts

1994 University of Mississippi, M.A. in English

1991 Hendrix College, B.A.

