Educator Profile    Educators


Dr. Bruce Whitehead (MT '96)


At the time of the Award, Dr. Bruce Whitehead was:
Hellgate Intermediate School
Missoula, MT

Biographical Information

Dr. Bruce Whitehead is renowned both nationally and statewide for developing Montana's classroom technology model. Author of Planning for Technology: A Guide for School Administrators, Technology Directors, and Curriculum Leaders and Curriculum Leadership: Development and Implementation, Dr. Whitehead has written four other books and more than 50 articles about education. Not only in the United States, but in countries such as Japan, Saudi Arabia and the Republic of Georgia, Dr. Whitehead has trained educators to improve student performance through technology and assisted them in developing electronic testing and curriculum enhancement. A principal for more than 30 years, Dr. Whitehead's innovations include The University of Montana Summer Reading Clinic, and the Arts in Education Program for Rural Schools, which garnered The John F. Kennedy Center Award for Arts in Education.  He served on the governor's first Task Force on Technology Education, is an adjunct professor of education at the University of Montana.  and has been named a National Distinguished Principal by the National Association of Elementary School Principals (NAESP) and the U.S. Department of Education.

Related Connections

Milestone: Dr. Bruce Whitehead (MT '96) is MO State Rep for NAESP

Additional Information


1980 University of Montana - Missoula, Ed. D.

1971 University of Montana - Missoula, M.A.

1970 University of Montana - Missoula, B.A.


