Educator Profile    Educators

David Jordan (KY '95)


At the time of the Award, David Jordan was:
Henderson County South Jr. High School
Henderson, KY

Grade(s): 9, 10, 11, 12

Biographical Information

David Jordan has retired from education after 32 years of service, 12 as a Physical Education & Health teacher, 15 as a middle school principal in Henderson, Kentucky, and five as a high school principal in Fairview, Tennessee, 20 miles west of Nashville. After living in a motorhome and seeing the country with his wife Nancy for ten years, they now live in ST George, UT. Previously, Mr. Jordan taught at South Junior High in Henderson, Kentucky, where he also served as the school's principal. He became very active in combining his middle school background into working combinations at the high school level when Fairview established a Freshman Academy which enabled the freshman core teachers to share students and common planning time, helping bridge the transition gap between middle school and high school. He also established a strong working relationship with the middle school by sharing facilities and teachers, and holding quarterly meetings among teachers from both schools. During Mr. Jordan's tenure, attendance at Fairview increased from 92 percent to 94 percent, and the dropout rate decreased from 8 percent to 1 percent over a three-year period.

Personal Message

I am always willing to share ideas and suggestions from how it was done in the good old days.

Additional Information


1974 Rank 1, Kentucky Administrator, Western Kentucky University

1974 M.A., School Administration, Western Kentucky University

1970 B.S., Health, Physical Education, Austin Peay State University

Middle school to high school transition, Dropout prevention, Safe schools, Professional Development, Attendance, Discipline, Self-esteem, Safety, School-Based Management

