Educator Profile    Educators

Darrell Mueller (SD '04)


At the time of the Award, Darrell Mueller was:

Platte Elementary School
Platte, SD

Biographical Information

Darrell Mueller has accepted the position of superintendent of Andes Central in Lake Andes. He was, while principal at Platte Elementary School in Platte, a recognized leader in using Curriculum-Based Measurement (CBM) to assess his students on a weekly basis. Mr. Mueller met each month with a team of teachers to discuss every student in the school, from pre-kindergarten through the sixth grade, checking their progress and developing interventions. As Special Education Director, Mr. Mueller also applied CBM strategies to students with special needs. These strategies helped struggling students become better readers, writers and test takers. He has twice presented his expertise on CBM at the National Convention of the National Association of Elementary School Principals (NAESP). Mr. Mueller is a past president of the South Dakota Association of Elementary School Principals (SDAESP) and a board member of the School Administrators of South Dakota.

Personal Message

I have for the past 10 years been doing Curriculum Based Measurement schoolwide. I am interested in talking this subject with anyone. CBM has been a passion with me.

