Cojean Herrin teaches a multi-age class of fourth, fifth and sixth graders at Agnes Risley Elementary School in Sparks. Cooperative learning and problem solving are essential strategies in my classroom, says Ms. Herrin. The school's thematically integrated curriculum, which Ms. Herrin helped develop, is designed to include at-risk, English as a Second Language and special education students. Student progress in mathematics and writing is noted through performance-based assessment and through student portfolios that record achievement over the course of the school year. Ms. Herrin finds that the self-evaluation feature that is part of the portfolio process is particularly valuable for students. In an effort to increase parent participation in schooling, Ms. Herrin strives to include parents in classroom and after-school hands-on projects and investigations. In 1994, Ms. Herrin was the recipient of a Presidential Award for Excellence in Mathematics Teaching from the National Science Foundation.
1964 University of Nevada - Reno, B.A.