Educator Profile    Educators


Charles Oba (HI '94)


At the time of the Award, Charles Oba was:
Kalihi-Uka Elementary School
Honolulu, HI

Biographical Information

Charles Oba is the principal of Kalihi-Uka Elementary School in Honolulu. "Ohana is the Hawaiian word for team or family," says Mr. Oba, whose style of leadership reflects values associated with family and community. "I have worked to build genuine trust in my school community and to inspire all those associated with the school to carry out their tasks effectively," he says. Under his guidance, Kalihi-Uka Elementary School has put into effect a year-round school calendar and a pre-school program. Mr. Oba has also helped introduce several programs, including D.A.S.H. (Developmental Approach in Science and Health), a program that relies on hands-on learning, and L.A.N. (Local Area Network), a student-run information and news television program. In addition, Mr. Oba has introduced computer technology into every classroom, and he has helped his staff to develop a variety of reading programs.

Additional Information


1960 Chaminade University of Honolulu, B.A.

