Educator Profile    Educators


Bennie Murl Dillard (WA '95)


At the time of the Award, Bennie Murl Dillard was:
Kent-Meridian Senior High School
Kent, WA

Biographical Information

"As a Black educator working in a part of the country that has such a small Black population, I have always felt that my presence in the community, school and profession has made a difference," said Bennie Dillard, principal of Kent-Meridian High School in Kent. Under Mr. Dillard's leadership, the school adapted the Attendance Incentive Program, a program that rewarded perfect student attendance through a weekly lottery format, and the Academic Study Center, an after-school tutoring program that relied on the participation of staff and community. Mr. Dillard also created a program that extended the school week with bi-monthly Saturday classes to offer students assistance in math and S.A.T. preparation, as well as enrichment classes in areas that were not covered by the regular classroom. In 1992, the Blue Ribbon Committee recognized Mr. Dillard as an Outstanding Principal.

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Memoriam: Bennie M. Dillard (WA '95)

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1970 Prairie View A&M University, B.A.

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