Educator Profile    Educators

Angela Church (HI '96)


At the time of the Award, Angela Church was:
Wailupe Valley Elementary School
Honolulu, HI

Subject(s) taught: General Elementary
Grade(s): 5

Biographical Information

In her fifth-grade classroom at Wailupe Valley School in Honolulu, Angela Church uses a technology-supported, integrated curriculum to teach all subjects. A member of the School Community Based Management Council, Mrs. Church has worked to improve communication between parents and the school, helped effect the transition to a year-round academic calender and supported the development of a school-wide technology program. The technological command she has imparted to her students has allowed them to participate in the worldwide G.L.O.B.E. (Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment) school network, set up a partnership with a G.L.O.B.E.-site school in Eno, Finland, and interact with scientists on-line. They have also explored "real life" applications of math, economics and city planning by participating in Mrs. Church's adapted version of "Classroom" City, a simulation program from Interact.

Additional Information


1989 University of Hawaii - Hilo, B.A.

