Educator Profile    Educators


Alice Garcia (MA '97)


At the time of the Award, Alice Garcia was:
City View Elementary School
Worcester, MA

Subject(s) taught: Bilingual Education
Grade(s): 5, 6

Biographical Information

Alice Garcia is a sixth-grade monolingual teacher at Wawecus Road School in Worcester. Fluent in English, Spanish and sign language, Garcia was previously a fifth- and sixth-grade bilingual Spanish teacher at City View Elementary School in Worcester, where she created the Harmony Club, in which students used sign language to prepare cultural harmony programs that they presented at the school's weekly sing-along. Garcia also developed a Multicultural Awareness Week, during which her students researched different cultures and created school displays based on their research. Another program she created, "Peace Heroes," guided students with personal conflicts in settling their differences without violence.

Additional Information


1983 University of Puerto Rico, B.A.

