Connections: Linking Talented Educators
Connections: Linking Talented Educators

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Why I Became a Teacher

August 14, 2020

1000w 2019 AR Shalisha Thomas hug colleague2

Shalisha Thomas (AR '19)

"I have wanted to be a teacher since I was young. My mother, Mrs. Shirley Thomas, sparked this interest. Although she is not a certified teacher, she was the first teacher I ever worked with. She spent time teaching me how to do things that would prepare me for school. She was always willing to help me with my homework. My mom was gentle, patient and supportive as I worked through problems (and she still is). I remember times like this when I am working with my students.

"I had great teachers along the way, so I am not surprised that I followed in their footsteps. Teaching allows me to be in a position to help my students, offer advice and encourage them to work to their full potential. When I was in school, art was a relief for me. It allowed me to express myself and practice creating things that were a challenge for me. I remember feeling at ease whenever I entered the art room. I strive daily to create that type of environment for my students."

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