Isis Buchanan is currently working as the Director of Educational Equity in ISD 191 Burnsville-Eagan-Savage. She has had multiple years of experience working as a school administrator at the elementary and middle school level. As a school leader, Isis was able to build school sites that focused on developing collective teacher efficacy and increased student achievement. Carver Elementary and Gideon Pond Elementary were diverse schools Isis led that outperformed other schools in the Twin Cities metro area. Isis is still a teacher at heart and continues to model lifelong learning in her work as an educator who is focused on learning and growing.
2012 Minnesota Principals Academy-National Institute for School Leadership
2012 NAESP (National Association of Elementary School Principals)
MESPA (Minnesota Elementary Principals' Association)
ASCD (Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development)
NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People)
2010 K-12 Administrative License