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2012–13 Pinning Events

May, 2013

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Lauren Hunter pinning 8 AP

Milken Educators often gather to share their knowledge as well as to support and celebrate each other's success.  On May 9th, five Maryland educators gathered to do both.  Set up as a meeting to discuss "current issues in education and what we as Milken educators can do to remain leaders in implementing change," it soon turned into a surprise celebration in honor of Lauren Hunter's pinning.

Pictured, from left: Jennifer Palmer (MD '02), Alberta Porter (MD '00), Lauren Hunter (MD '12), Christian Slattery (MD '08) and Patricia Skebeck (MD '94)

In this photo:  Lauren Hunter (MD '12)Dr. Jennifer Palmer (MD '02)Alberta Porter (MD '00)Patricia Skebeck (MD '94)Christian Slattery, Sr. (MD '08)

All photos should be credited to "Milken Family Foundation" unless otherwise noted.

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